Saturday, December 29, 2007

Finally Disease Have Cured

a Vox 30watts Amplifier, which louder than u & i think. comes with tons of effects & with types of amplifiers sound too.
another thing is come with 1 tube too.all i can say is "N.I.C.E".

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Here's some archived pen draft, which i did long time ago.

Osama Bin Santa Claus (appropriate gift)

Since my dude got himself a new house, but i fuckin did art work for most of my friends but yet to this bastard.time is short, but luckily when idea come, used a night to complete this Osama look a like Santa for him...i rather name this Osama Bin Santa Claus.something new for me this time, for everytime actually....tried something new.
a Combination of pc of trans paper & a white a3 paper..
look abit evil with some skulls in it especially the brain, but look kinda complex.